ANBI information

1. Contact Information

Name: Stichting WORD International Ministries the Netherlands

KvK no.: 41265292

Fiscal no.: 8092.14.477

Address: Johannes Bernardus Kerk, Oranje Nassaulaan 2, 3523 VR UTRECHT

Phone number (s): 06-15948111

2. Organizational Structure:

2.1. Members of the Board of Directors:

Chairman: Rene Velasco

Treasurer: Asuncion Cotin Aguirre

Secretary: Cecilia Lansang-Francisco

Member: Henry Rihard Pasaribu

Member: <open>

Member ex officio (Senior Pastor): Angel Cano

2.2. Pastoral Staff

The pastoral staff consists of a senior pastor and 2 associate pastors. The senior pastor and the two associate pastors are also members of the Board of Directors

2.3. Leadership team

The leadership team is composed of the pastoral staff and all ministry team leaders.

3. Organization type: Foundation

4. The purpose of the foundation is:

• The Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ;

• Promote the practice of the Christian faith;

• Educating and edifying Christians;

• Promoting friendship and cooperation between Christians;

• Bringing together and uniting both Christians as well as non-Christians that are willing to strive for the realization of the purposes of the foundation;

• Provide social and spiritual assistance to sea fearers;

• Assisting and coaching men and women regarding social and spiritual growth;

• Providing spiritual coaching for children;

• Providing spiritual assistance in hospitals, prisons, homes for the old aged, and orphanages, all this in the broadest sense of the word.

5. Vision Statement:

In cooperation with Word International Ministries, WIN NL wants to establish multi-cultural Christian communities in the Netherlands with the purpose of reaching out to people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ so they will come to a saving knowledge of the truth and live their lives in obedience to God according to the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

6. Mission Statement:

WIN Netherlands will strive to accomplish the vision statement through:

6.1. The founding of churches wherever God will guide us to do so;

6.2. Organizing church services, care groups, and Bible studies for the purpose of educating and edifying of various groups, including but not limited to children, youth, young adults, men, and women;

6.3. Equipping local leadership for these churches;

6.4. Reaching out to and assisting various groups of people as mentioned in the purpose of the foundation.

7. Remuneration Policy.

7.1. Board members:

7.1.1. Board members are reimbursed only for expenses they incur for the execution of their responsibilities as board members.

7.2. Pastoral Staff:

WIN NL has employed a senior pastor. The two associate pastors and all members of the pastoral staff work as volunteers. The members of the pastoral staff can claim reimbursement for the expenses incurred for the execution of their responsibilities. Possible expenses include, but are not limited to:

7.2.2 Travel expenses for meetings, counseling, visitation, and other church-related activities of the pastoral staff

7.2.3. Telephone expenses related to pastoral staff activities

7.2.4 Expenses related training / equipping as pastoral staff

7.2.5. Expenses related to ongoing training in a Bible School, Seminary, etc. can only be claimed if the training has been approved for reimbursement by the board and as far as these can be financed from available funds within the regular budget. In due time the church may appoint a salaried pastor. For a full-time position as a pastor, the salary would be in line with the modal income in the Netherlands. The salary scales of the PKN will be used as a reference point to determine the actual salary.

7.3 Ministry leaders and workers can ask for reimbursement of expenses incurred due to and on behalf of their ministry. The purchase of materials etc. for amounts over € 100 for the execution of their ministry needs approval of pastoral staff prior to the ordering of the materials.